Wednesday, 5 September 2007

115 Miles under the keel.

Last Sunday, I towed the boat down from Norfolk to Fambridge Yacht Haven.

At a fairly steady 45mph down the A12, occasionally pulling over to let the impatient hordes past, it took about 4 hours and the car managed about 15 miles to the gallon (it normally does only 22 - so that's not as bad as it sounds).

(Click on Thumbnail images to see pictures in a new window from the Picture Album)

Fambridge is a beautiful marina with grassy banks and friendly staff, if Paul, who was on duty there on Sunday afternoon, is anything to judge by.

(Click on Thumbnail images to see pictures in a new window from the Picture Album)

I snugged Smooty down to chat to a Prout for a couple of days until I get back to tackle her mildew problem.


Martijn said...

Hi there,

I noticed you edited the Wikipedia page about the Halcyon 23. I first created it, and it's nice to see that there still are more Halcyons around after all those years! Last spring, I bought a Halcyon 23 myself. I'm sailing with it on the IJsselmeer in the Netherlands. It's a nice ship with great sailing performance! Even though it's kinda small if you're used to your old man's ship, like I am. ;)

If you'd like to see some pics, check out my Flickr account.

Well, I wish you good luck with working on it and ofcourse a lot of fun sailing it!

Cheers, Martijn

hundur said...

Hi !
I'm living in wesrern Norway and having Halcyon 23'
How dit it go with your Smmoty ?

hundur said...

Hi !

I have 1970 mod Halcyon 23 and living i Norway. How dit it go your relationship whit Smooty ?

geewhyare said...

Hey SmootMaster, did you ever get Smooty into the water in the end ?